00 08/08/2007 17:38
Pictures from the Friday show (31 August) taken by photographer Kenneth Markström and his assistant Niklas Leinonen, will be uploaded directly to you people as the show goes along, so that everyone from all over the world can follow the show in pictures online here on the band website www.europetheband.com forum in a specific thread already opere, here is the link for a direct access www.europetheband.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=11553 There will also be pictures from before and after the show. They will start uploading pictures somewhere around lunchtime Friday. You will get a full cover of what’s happening at this magic place Dalhalla when Europe on “Secret Society Tour” are blowin that solid rock walls away. There are some secrets that we will keep from you all until that Friday, so get your popcorn, something to drink and dress up or whatever you want and stay tuned here at the forum on Friday 31 August!

Annah and Laura

Annah & Laura Costa
www.europe-the-fanclub.com - www.europe-supporters-club.com